Senior Superintendent

Years in the Industry: 30
Favorite Food: Most Anything Italian and Homemade
Superhero Power: Time Travel
Dog, Cat, Fish, Or Bird: Dog
Favorite Quote: “I live by two words. Tenacity and gratitude. Tenacity gets me where I want to go and gratitude doesn’t allow me to be angry along the way.” Henry Winkler
Hobby: Boating, Guitar
Favorite Charity: CCHS Family Network
One Thing You Couldn't Live Without: My Wife
My Family: My Wife, Kim, Four Children, Four Grandchildren, and Rocco our Mastiff/Great Dane
Hidden Talent: My Tomato Sauce and Meatballs are Pretty Good
Dream Vacation: Sicily
Coast, Desert, or Mountain: Mountain
Alternate Career Choice: Detective

Joe Doherty

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